Отделение урологии

Ценящая жизнь и ставящая превыше всего зоровье пациента Больница Университета Чеджу



The Department of Urology at the JNUH (Jeju National University Hospital) diagnoses and treats diseases that develop in kidney where urine is made, including urter, bladder, and urethera. The department also provide cares for urinary tract disorders of men and women and treating male menopause, urinary tract stones, cancer, and urinary disorders.



제주대학교병원 비뇨의학과는 소변이 만들어 지는 신장부터 요관, 방광, 요도에 생기는 질환을 진단하고 치료하는 과입니다.
남성이나 여성의 요로계 장애를 관리하는 과로 남성의 갱년기 장애 및 요로계결석, 암과 배뇨장애에 대한 치료를 합니다.


Jung-Sik Huh Urology

  • Urology, urinary stones, urinary tract cancer, Gynecology, endourologic, and prostate gland


Young Joo Kim Urology

  • Dysuria, prostate, and robot (prostate)


Sung Dae Kim Urology

  • Sexual dysfunction, urogenital tract infections, urinary stones, and prostatic disease (etc. BPH, prostatitis, prostatic cancer)


Kyung Gi Park Urology

  • Robotic, laparoscopic, urologic cancers, prostate, urinary stones