Отделение гастроэнтерологии
Ценящая жизнь и ставящая превыше всего зоровье пациента Больница Университета Чеджу
The division of gastroenterology plays key roles in the medical research, education and patient management in the field of esophagus, stomach, intestine, liver, biliary and pancreatic diseases. The division performs high-tech endoscopic procedures, including treatment for polyp, early gastric and colorectal cancers, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography to treat biliary or pancreatic stone, various types of stent insertion for stricture management and endoscopic ultrasonography. The division also provides antiviral therapy for hepatitis B and C viruses, and do the best clinical practice detecting early liver cancer and providing best non-surgical treatment for liver cancer, such as radiofrequency ablation therapy or transarterial chemoembolization under the co-works with interventional radiology.
소화기내과는 식도, 위, 소장, 대장, 간, 담도 및 췌장질환을 다루는 분야입니다.
한국인에서 흔한 위암의 조기발견을 위한 위내시경 및 대장질환에 대한 대장 내시경을 시행하고 있습니다.
B형 및 C형 간염에 대한 항바이러스 치료를 집중적으로 하며, 간세포암에 대한 비수술 치료로 고주파치료 및 경간동맥화학색전술을 시행하여 간세포암의 조기 진단 및 치료를 위해 노력하고 있습니다.
또한 각종 담췌관 질환의 경우 내시경적 역행성 담췌관 조영술을 시행하여 담석 및 췌석 제거술 등을 시행하고 있습니다.
Byung-Cheol Song Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology
- Liver cancer, acute/chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, fatty liver
Heung Up Kim Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology
- Stomach/esophageal disease, inflammatory bowel disease, and endoscopic stomach/colon tumor resection
Eun Kwang Choi Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology
- Gallstone disease, gallbladder cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreaticography, diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic ultrasonography
Hyun Joo Song Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology
- Stomach/esophageal disease, inflammatory bowel disease, endoscopic stomach/colon tumor resection, endoscopic ultrasound, and capsule endoscopy